Jekyllnow is a popular theme for Jekyll and GitHub pages. I like it because of its simplicity and sparse default layout. Here are the customizations I have applied.
Center an image or block of text. HTML to use inside markdown
<div class="img_center">
Item to center
Add to style.scss
text-align: center;
Append to the existing Kramdown block of _config.yml
parse_block_html: true
Requisite stackoverflow reference.
Embed Videos
Create a HTML file called youtube.html in your includes file.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the page or post’s front matter:
youtubeId: 2MsN8gpT6jY
In the body where you want the video use:
{% include youtube.html id=page.youtubeId %}
Create another HTML file called vimeo.html in your includes file.
<iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the page or post’s front matter:
vimeoId: 160580156
In markdown use:
{% include vimeo.html id=page.vimeoId %}
Credit to Adam Harris
Syntax Highlighting to a Dark theme
From Pygments CSS Themes download a css file, add it to the _sass directory, then rename it to _name.scss.
In the style.scss file, change:
@import "highlights";
@import "name";
I selected monokai, it is the closest to the One Dark theme I use for Atom.