6 Jupyter Visualization Tools for 2D and 3d Images
Mattew Mccormick from Kitware presented ITK - Insight Tool Kit in Jupyter Notebooks at the March Tripython meetup. During his talk he featured a handful of Jupyter tools for working with 2D and 3D visualizations.
Interactive 3D and 2D Visualizations
ipyleaflet - will fetch interactive maps, you can zoom in, draw polygons etc. Lots of map providers listed with previewer. (Update: see my post Review: iPyleaflet Jupyter Widge)
geonotebook - developed by Kitware. Client server environment
ipyvolume - 3D plotting for python in Jupyter based on WebGL, mostly for plotting 3d data and machine learning.
pythreejs - base to ipyvolume, core library for other 3d projects.
itk-jupyter-widgets - spacial analysis with the Insight Toolkit (ITK).
Planetlabs Notebooks - Satellite image analysis demo notebooks. Planet Data has an API to search, activate, and download satellite imagery.